Sleepless Domain Wiki

@cubewatermelon: "I forget about all the stupid stuff I write in Sleepless Domain's alt text until it gives me these auto-suggestions"

Alt-text is the extra text found on most pages by either leaving your mouse over the image or clicking the comic on some mobile browsers. Also called Mouseover or Hover Text.

The jokey nature of the alt-text didn't start until mid-Chapter 2, and it often stopped during darker scenes.

But as of March 2018, alt text has been edited into Chapters 1 and 2 for the most part yet some pages of darker moments still possess no text and instead have the page number. However, there are some inconsistencies to that, most of those text absent pages happening when The Purple One appears, yet there have been exceptions and the text has been edited multiple times.

Chapter 1[]

All used to be purely descriptive, following a "Chapter x - Page y" or "Interstitial z" template. They began at Page 1, right after the cover page.

  • Page 1: "bbzzzzzzzzzz" That refers to the sound of the speaker turning on.
  • Page 2: "It begineth"
  • Page 3: "Okay but if you get attacked please be sure to film it"
  • Page 4: "Gotta make sure Sally didn't mess up her hair" This text was made referring to the mirror Sylvia holds, that most readers believed to be a smartphone, yet cell phones don't exist in the world of this comic.
  • Page 5: "Just good life advice in general" referring to the speakers telling girls to be transformed and ready.
  • Page 6: "They don't have to say it out loud but it's important nonetheless" when saying their magical names as they transform.
  • Page 7: "Cue approrpiate eurobeat remix" transformation sequence music.
  • Page 8: "Toghether, they are... the Dork Squad"
  • Page 9: "Something's about to happen, and Sylvia's going to be in the middle of it dangit"
  • Page 10: "welcome to the purple zone"
  • Page 11: "Sally, meanwhile, can sense if any monsters are on fire. She says not quite yet."
  • Page 12: "Oh no, They're after the veggies! We need those!" referring to the monsters near the vegan sandwich place.
  • Page 13: "Fry that Eye Guy"
  • Page 14: "Time to grinf some EXP"
  • Page 15: "Leggy"
  • Page 16: "You know she's okay because she has a spiral on her thumb"
  • Page 17: "der der der der" Alchemical Aether said in the las panels "Maybe if I wasn't the strongest one, and also the-- LEA. DER." Continuing her last syllable like an echo.
  • Page 18: "This one just wants to be friends"
  • Page 19: " 'Sup. "
  • Page 20: "cue Sandstorm by Darude"
  • page 21: "Hey, don't ruin their carefully placed dirt!! >:("
  • Page 22: "Earth! Water!... Soggy Dirt~!!"
  • Page 23: "lemme post a vine of this real quick" Certainly one of Cube's most cringy comments of all time.
  • Page 24: "sylvia is the only member with a separate agent, for maximum monetization opportunities"
  • Page 25: "See ya next chapter~~"

Chapter 2[]

Before it continued Chapter 1's template until Page 16, until the update that added alt-text to first two chapters.

  • Page 1: "The DU is for DUmmies" "DU" stands for Daily Updates, which basically are the news.
  • Page 2: "I'm sure this chatacter won't look super different next time she shows up" Talking about the appearance of Heartful Punch being barely recognizeable after the artist change.
  • Page 3: "a cycle of violence"
  • Page 4: "Gwen mantains a solid B on every subject"
  • Page 5: "Undine is accustomed to just waiting for Sally to say the thing"
  • Page 6: "They are all getting an F on PE today"
  • Page 7: "okay but what about bad drama"
  • Page 8: "Sylvia has a large detailed plan for how she would lead the group but that's okay don't worry about it it's cool"
  • Page 9: "Typical girl problems"
  • Page 10: "I'm not running, I'm STERNLY WALKING"
  • Page 12: "Sylvia about to call up some tabloids"
  • Page 13: "Sally's watching She Doki Doki'd, I Choky Chokied, a lifetime special"
  • Page 14: "What is this strange talking device that isn't shaped like a rectangle" Refering to the fact that smart phones don't exist in this world.
  • Page 15: "Sally is rarin' to go"
  • Page 16: "But are they truly, truly, TRULYYYYYY" is a reference to the theme song of Jem and the Holograms, "Truly Outrageous" (in the comic Team Alchemical is discusses Team Outrageous). This text was later removed for the presence of The Purple One.
  • Page 17: "Nah, she's cool" Text was later removed by the presence of The Purple One
  • Page 18: "at least they aren't boojums" Alchemical Earth calls the shark-like monsters Snarks. In the story The Hunting of the Snark, Boojum are described as more dangerous than Snarks.
  • Page 19: "She tried to use her fire for jet boots once. Never again." Implying Alchemical Fire once tried to use her powers for jet propulsion, like Iron Man.
  • Page 20: "hmm"
  • Page 21 "Best served hot"
  • Page 22 "Sally's not very creative, and Gwen doesn't care"
  • Page 23: "She'll accept the ride, but she doesn't have to LIKE it" Text removed by the presence of The Purple One
  • Page 24 onwards uses Chapter 1 template again, effectively silencing the alt-text during Team Alchemical's final moments.

Chapter 3[]

  • Continues using Chapter 1's template until Page 16.
  • Page 16: "her"
  • Page 17: "then her" possibly referring to Alchemical Aether.
  • Page 18: "'Sup" the return of the jokey alt-text
  • Page 19: "Lotsa water"
  • Page 20: "Plan B"
  • Page 21: "Wait is this a good thing"
  • Page 22: "It's dangerous to go alone" a reference to the well known Legend of Zelda line.
  • Page 23: "Water goes here"
  • Page 24: "Water Pressure, Pushing out on me, pushing out on you" parody lyrics of Queen's "Under Pressure"
  • Page 25: "a smol and a tol" Highlighting difference in Undine and Heartful Punch's height, while referencing smol (small) and tol (tall) meme.
  • Page 26: "You can't punch the news, soooo..." Implying HP has a very one-track mind.
  • Page 27: "How else does one spend an evening?"
  • Page 28: "oh hey it's those girls" Team Alchemical for those who forgot.
  • Page 29: "Not really listening"
  • Page 30: "gonna go tweet about it" The two are being watched by a bird, tweeting is both the noise of birds and the verb associated with the micro-blogging platform Twitter. It's a pun.
  • Mari Costa Guest Comic: "Surprise is the strongest of the five elements" Team Alchemical is based on classic Greek elements, element of surprise is not considered one of the four.
  • Psu Guest Comic: "Gwen was incredibly disappointed when this was cancelled" Gwen is well known to be a fan of Heartful Punch whose workout series was the topic of the comic.
  • Interstitial 3: "hm."

Chapter 4[]

  • Page 1: "Dodgy. More like Dogdeye!!" A pun, because they said "dodgy" and "eye guys".
  • Page 2: "Wait, like that video game fish person...?" A reference to Undyne from the game Undertale.
  • Title Page: "Let's do this"
  • Page 4: "Is Snoozy the final boss?" (If anybody understands this reference please feel free to edit)
  • Page 5: "..."
  • Page 6: "Daily Ritual"
  • Page 7: "HP started reading the comic halfway through"
  • Page 8: "HP is a very cool girl" This alt-text is sarcastic
  • Page 9: "Where's the Boy's Room-- oh right" Zoe is standing next to the girl's toilets, Future's Promise School for Magical Girls is a (magical) girls-only school.
  • Page 10: "Take my Undine, please!" (If anybody understands this reference please feel free to edit it as well)
  • Page 11: "If it's a flower in her eye, does that make it an Iris? HUCKYUCK" Pun, because an iris can be part of one's eye or a type of flower.
  • Page 12: "I thought her name was FlowerEye"
  • Page 13: "It's like a revolving door of doofuses"
  • Page 14: "Did you forget her name already? Did you" Heartful Punch continues to call Undine "Curls" despite hearing her name twice, though HP does use nicknames
  • Page 15 "It's a turkey sandwich"
  • Page 16: "So are you gonna eat that, or...?"
  • Page 17: "This comic brought to you by My Sister" Mary has a sister, who might be into supplements.
  • Page 18: "hmm."
  • Page 19: "Finally, it's established" Heartful Punch's name is Kokoro
  • Page 20: "Those Two Girls x 2 = Those Four Girls?" First time that Vedika, Cassidy, Bud, and Harley have been seen as a group of four rather than as pairs. None of them had been named at this point.
  • Page 21: "Phew, she got her hair to do the flippy thing again." Tessa's hair was less bouncy in Chapter 3's hospital scene (her "Ariel-style flippybangs" as the artist calls them).
  • Page 22: "You better not be seeing another pink-haired girl" Heartful Punch and Alchemical Aether both have pink hair and have fought with Undine.
  • Page 23: "They've both been brooding on that earlier conversation" The one in the hospital.
    • Original alt-text was "you could say she's truly sleepless" before it was changed to match the mood better[1][2].
  • Page 24: "She'd have to change her magical girl title, though" Most teams have thematic naming for members and Alchemical Water wouldn't fit.
  • Page 25: "sigh"
  • Page 26 "Put on your war paint" Lyric from Fall Out Boy's "The Phoenix"
    • Page 15 of Chapter 3 was apparently drawn while listening to a lot of this song[3].
  • Page 27: "Thank you for reading Chapter 4"
  • Interstitial 4: "I feel Shafted" Anemone tilts her head to look back over her shoulder in a way reminiscent of many anime from the studio Shaft.

Chapter 5[]

  • Title: "Let's meet some more gals and have alota fun!"
  • Page 2: "Endless Nerd Works"
  • Page 3: "The camera guy isn't sure if he should keep filming"
  • Page 4: "More Mahous More Problems" A reference to the The Notorious B.I.G. song "Mo Money Mo Problems" (mahou translating as magic in Japanese, in this case referring to magical girls)
  • Page 5: "I sense... losers on the horizon" Team Blitz appears in the next page, Mary is calling those cameo characters from her other comic, Kiwi Blitz, losers (in a loving way, probably)
  • Page 6 "Oh boy." Could be in response to The Purple One or to Pop Blitz. Or both.
  • Page 7: "Get out of this comic, you weirdos" Continuation of page 5's teasing.
  • Page 8: "a shocking development!" a terrible pun about Pop Blitz' powers
  • Page 9: "Team Sailor will not be appearing in this comic" Team Sailor is a reference to the characters from Sailor Moon, characters that Mary cannot use so won't be appearing.
    • In one stream, Mary has joked about introducing Team Sailor as a team unrelated to Sailor Moon.
  • Page 10: "Sensing a pattern" a pattern of Undine's rejections.
  • Page 11: "Life is an endless quest for your own chumps" Still making fun of Team Blitz, but using Steffi's words.
  • Page 12: "Go back to your DDR Dimension, ya losers" The so-called dimension the characters come from, Kiwi Blitz, has a lot of stylistic similarities to the game Dance Dance Revolution. Goes back to calling them losers.
  • Pages 13 and 14 use chapter 1's alt-text template while The Purple One's mocks Undine.
  • Page 15: "...Is that weirdo gone? Phew, I can talk again." Alt-text refers to itself and its fear of The Purple One
  • Page 16: "So Shoujo that they have the power to make their names appear in boxes" Shoujo literally translates to Young Women" but in this case refers to the genre of manga which features elements of romance and beauty.
  • Page 17: "Frost and Flame have an exclusive deal with an appliance company" a joke about their powers being related to kitchen appliances. A joke that became the second interstitial page of this chapter.
  • Page 18: "Adults must be accompanied by a minor at all times." A turn on the standard rule of unaccompanied minors.
  • Page 19: "Worst magical girl team ever" Possibly a reference The Simpsons' character Comic Book Guys' catchphrase.
  • Page 20: "Ah, to be young and in love and fighting constant magical battles" A variation on the common saying, "to be young and in love"
  • Page 21: "It's short for something" Nico is short for Nicodemus.
  • Page 22: "Undine's never seen a bat in real life before, but she's pretty sure this one's weird"
  • Page 23: "Also! Did you happen to spot a shiny Zubat around here!?" In the Pokémon series, Zubat are a bat-like monster, and like all Pokémon, they come in shiny versions.
  • Page 24: "It's not the same! I have a GIANT RIBBON!" Undine is probably referring to the magical girl powers rather than the costume.
    • Might not intentional, but without context the line applies to the changes to Undine's costume after her near death experience.
  • Page 25: "Pushing down on Me, Pushing down on You~ No one asks for" The second reference to Queen's "Under Pressure" by the Alt-Text.
  • Page 26: "Rats Off To Ya!" Play on the saying "Hats off to --"
  • Page 27: "Oh, so it wasn't short for Nicotine or Nico Nico Douga?" Again, Nico is short for Nicodemus not the addictive alkaloid or the Japanese video sharing site now known as Niconico.
  • Page 28: "The real monster was the common cold all along" Undine is concerned Mark could catch a cold after saving him from a giant monster.
  • Page 29: "His bologna sandwich was also totally ruined" Along with his book
  • Page 30: "Undies! When did you take those levels in Sass!" Calling Mark a kid is about the sassiest thing Undine has done by this point, taking levels in different classes is a general RPG element.
  • Page 31: "Nicodemus is bored"
  • Page 32: "Is Mark short for Marcodemus" Nico is short for Nicodemus.
  • Page 33: "Yes, Sylvia gave Undine a signed poster of herself at one point"
  • Interstitial 5: "She's just mad the Goopy has a similar color scheme to her" That color being purple.
  • Interstitial 6: "They both live with their parents still, don't be fooled"

Chapter 6[]

  • Page 1: "Off to a real fun start with chapter 6 over here"
  • Page 2 is the first page to have nothing, not even the chapter and page numbers. This is in response to The Purple One's voice being heard in the comic.
  • Title: "In this dark magical world, young people must use CD players instead of iPods." Pop Blitz can be seen holding a CD player.
    • Tessa's smartphone on Page 3 of Chapter 1 was turned into a watch to confirm the lower level of technology.
  • Page 4: "No, but seriously, gonna need an answer on that vision thing" Zoe is questioned about her eye and her abilities.
  • Page 5: "This is a very specialized new power" Undine's Awkwardness Aura.
  • Page 6: "Scratching out my theory that the girls all die when they turn 18" A theory disproven by Zoe's Sister.
  • Page 7: "Man someone should tell Sally what a jerk she is"
  • Page 8: "These girls are DROWNING me in ellipses" There are 12 ellipses on a ten-panel page.
  • Page 9: "Boys? Never heard of 'em" Bud mentions Outrageous Lime's boyfriend, in a comic with almost no male characters.
  • Page 10: "We meet again once more, at the loser bench" It's the same bench they ate at in chapter 5.
  • Page 11: "She's been thinkin' about it." A more serious alt-text for a more serious comic.
  • Kickstarter's Here!: "Kickstarter's Here!"
  • Page 12: "Do you know any strong people? Anyone good at fighting? No?" Hinting at Undine and HP's inevitable team up.
  • Page 13: "Whoa whoa, stay out of Undine's bubble! WATER PUNS!" HP jumps in and out of Undine's personal space.
  • Page 14: "She thinks Water Punch is way better though" Harley's opinion on Bud's couple name choices (the other being Heartful Wave).
  • Page 15: "A dark, unforgiving world in which magical girls have to go to school all week" It's revealed that Future's Promise School for Magical Girls has no weekends.
  • Page 16: "She's truly Outrageous!" The appearance of Outrageous Lime prompts a second reference to the theme song of Jem and the Holograms, "Truly Outrageous".
  • Page 17: "Me either tbh, who cares" on the identities of Team Forte
  • Page 18: "A dark, unforgiving world in which Steffi isn't particularly memorable" In Kiwi Blitz, Steffi is an infamous superhero, while in Sleepless Domain she's only one of three pink-haired superheroes among a rainbow of others.
  • Page 19: "maybe a little okay today"
  • Page 20: "It just happens sometimes" crying
  • Page 21: "Hello darkness, my old friend" The opening line from Simon & Garfunkel's "The Sound of Silence". Undine's dream begins in darkness.
  • Page 22: "I've come to talk with you again" The following line from "The Sound of Silence". Undine sees The Woman in White again.
  • Page 23: "Because a vision softly creeping" Third line of "Sound of Silence". The woman in White approaches Undine.
  • Page 24 "Left its seeds while I was sleeping" Fourth line of "Sound of Silence". Undine wakes up from her dream.
  • Crystal Kan Guest Comic: "Nothing's like before" The line is from Utada's song "Simple and Clean" the written for the international release of Kingdom Hearts (which the comic references).
  • Sketcheddy Guest Comic: "I promise they have names and they'll get 'em when they've EARNED THEM" Implying Bud and Harley (who hadn't been named at that point) haven't done anything in the comics to deserve being named characters.
  • Page 25 "Back to reality" Tessa has to wake up early for normal school, the line could be a reference to many things including Eminem's "Lose Yourself".
  • Page 26 "So boys DO exist!" A reference to page 9's alt-text.
  • Page 27 "Junior Student Council never implemented a single policy" Possibly a reference to absurdly powerful anime student councils.
  • Page 28: "Stayin' positive, relatively"
  • Page 29: "Some might call it a lie of omission" Tessa technically left the flyer behind, and technically it was still there before she took it.
  • Page 30: "That's right, kid, get out of here so I don't have to draw your plaid anymore" Apparently Will's plaid shirt was not easy to draw.
  • Page 31: "Oh good, she's making friends!" sarcasm
  • Page 32: "Woops I tripped and fell into my own comic, such a klutz" The Alt-text must look like somebody in Miss Cable's class.
  • Interstitial: "yo new hair who dis" A reference to "New phone, who dis", a line one would send in response to a number not in their contacts.

Chapter 7[]

  • Page 1: "Window seats are for main character only" In a lot of Japanese media main characters are put at window seats (so the artists can draw a blue sky instead of other students), Tessa is no longer the main character and therefore doesn't get a window seat.
  • Page 2: "Where did that girl go??? There's just a shrubbery here now" Rue's head looks exactly like a bush when she's face-down on her desk.
  • Page 3: "It's called SLEEPLESS DOMAIN! You're all doing it wrong!" Taking the comic's title literally, Undine and Heartful Punch shouldn't be getting any sleep, let along good ones.
  • Page 4: "HP might just be a large dog in disguise" Referring to Heartful Punch's overly friendly personality.
  • Title: "This MIGHT not depict events which literally occur in the chapter" Unfortunately no boxing match occurred in chapter 7.
  • Page 6: "We call it Mgptc *spit flies out of mouth* for short" Magical Girl Power Training Club works better as an initialism than an actual acronym.
  • Page 7: "Yoroshiku and such" Yoroshiku onegaishimasu is the standard "It's nice to meet you" phrase in Japanese.
  • Page 8: "HP thinks that Gabby is Very Cool."
  • Page 9: "Just normal, buff as hell girls" continuation of HP's thoughts on working out
  • Page 10: "First we gonna rock, then we gonna roll over and give up" In "X Gon Give it to Ya" by DMX the lyrics don't include "over and give up"
  • Page 11: "Is this still about working out" HP's advice also applies more broadly to life (and monster fighting).
  • Page 12: "Finally, another character death" Vedika and Cassidy joke about the sacrifice Harley's making by training with Bud.
  • Page 13: "What a showoff" on Heartful Punch's full page transformation sequence.
  • Page 14: "Only one full transformation sequence per customer!!!" Undine's was page 26 of Chapter 4, so this chapter's is only two panels.
  • Page 15: "She mostly rolls support" In video games there are often types of characters that provide support (healing, buffs, debuffs) rather than damaging the enemies.
  • Page 16: "Like a water gun fight where one bully has stolen all the guns" Because Heartful Punch can only dodge while Undine attacks.
  • Page 17: "Panel 6: HP's dramatic character death scene" Her overreaction to being hit with water fulfills page 12's promise.
  • Page 18: "Yea, Undine, lightly splash her with water! That'll teach her!" Undine's powers don't really back up her claim that she's "not here to play around"
  • Page 19: "HP, master of punches and also arbitrary game mechanics" She brings up the concept of points but doesn't apply any significance to them,
  • Page 20: "You were a worthy opponent... but now you must die!"
  • Page 21: "Don't do a hit!!!" A line from Griffin McElroy's Youtube series Peacecraft.
  • Page 22: "the shadowy elephant in the room" shadow is added to a common saying to reference The Purple One
  • Page 23: "Gettin' it out there"
  • Page 24: "HP? More like TP." HP is short for Heartful Punch and TP is short for Toilet Paper-kun.
  • Page 25: "Toilet Paper-kun is very mad about how much of this page he's spending out of frame" Kun is a japanese honorific, signifying the toilet paper is a character.
  • Page 26: "I usually just eat a bunch of peanut butter or something" to feel better, instead of beating up monsters.
  • Page 27: "Welcome to my primary color hellscape" he city's barrier is red, yellow, blue and incredibly gaudy.
  • Page 28: "Undine is an expert blooper"
  • Page 29: "what a showoff" Heartful Punch's big action sequence jumping off the roof.
  • Page 30: "I dunno, that looks more like a blorple if you ask me."
  • Page 31: "yo it looks way cooler in the animated version" Mary often talks about seeing animation of scenes in her head, anime is also the ultimate dream for Sleepless Domain.
  • Page 32: "These two may be Incredibly Lame, but they're surprisingly hardy" The silly looking monsters that Undine can't manage to crush with her water pressure.
  • Page 33: "Undine really needs to learn to make ice. It's way easier to draw."
  • Page 34: "It might not have been a proper blooping, but it still got the job done."
  • Interstitial 1: "Finally, answering the important questions!" sarcastic, depending on the importance you place on hairstyles.
  • Interstitial 2: "See you next chapter! I mean, not this girl. She's not in it." Anemone only appears in interstitial pages

Chapter 8[]

  • Page 1: "Farewell, Lego Playroom Hellscape" The gaudy barrier comes down for the night.
  • Page 2: "Talkin' 'bout those Kokoro Feelings" Kokoro is Heartful Punch, also translates to "Heart"
  • Page 3: "No escape... from friendship!!!"
  • Title Page: "original AU do not steal" Drawing Undine and Heartful Punch as caped superheroes implies an Alternate Universe were that is true, "Original Character do not steal" is a cliche saying used by amateur artists to protect their intellectual property.
  • Page 5: "Tessa's last name is Quinn. Just in case that was confusing!" Rue calls Tessa by her surname in the comic.
  • Page 6: "Rue needs someone who can handle themselves against the CHUDs"
  • Page 7: "Now she doesn't have to pretend upon Undine a third time"
  • Page 8: "HP continues to be very concerned about whether strangers like her."
  • Page 9: "She can create 2d10 sparkles as a passive trait"
  • Page 10: "She decided that Water Punch is better."
  • Page 11: "Your manager can't tell you what to do, she's not your real mom."
  • Page 12: "Harley is very made about the amount of screen time on this page."
  • Page 13: "Sorry, I was just SUPER bored by your conversation."
  • Page 14: "Welcome to The Author Still Complaining About Her High School Lunch Years Later"
  • Page 15: "Bud's life goal is to dress as loudly as possible without using bright colors."
  • Page 16: "My hand hurts from rendering all this water. I HOPE YOU APPRECIATE HOW I'VE SUFFERED, UNDINE."
  • Page 17: "It's like an anti-bubble, because it's a circle of water in air? An elbbub."
  • Page 18: "Welp I guess we'll never find out who that was *shrug emoji*"
  • Page 19: "HP doesn't think about the weather much. It's relatively unpunchable."
  • Guest Comic- Rennie Kingsley: "Everyone's favorite character: Scarfy Heartsman"
  • Page 20: "These randos should know better than to sleep in Sleepless Domain"
  • Happy Halloween!: "This is honestly far less spooky than the next actual page."
  • Page 21: "Shaped like a friend. Or 50."
  • Page 22: no alt text for this page
  • Page 23: "Anyone with minor injuries is advised to suck it up"
  • Page 24: "You've heard of pink eye, right? Well he's just got some purple eye." "Pink eye" is an informal term for conjunctivitis.
  • Page 25: "And Kokoro brought HER two friends! Right and Lefty, that is."
  • Page 26: "Not so much an Eye Guy as an Eyes Guy."
  • Page 27: "I hope you had a great Thanksgiving! This guy's still peckish, though."
  • Page 28: ""It's not supposed to go SQORSH, it's supposed to go PLOW!?!?""
  • Page 29: "+5 AC vs blunt damage!? Ugh!!!"
  • Page 30: no alt text for this page
  • Page 31: no alt text for this page
  • Page 32: "I'm pretty sure she's still around so I'm just gonna lie low for now"
  • Page 33: "Oh."
  • Page 34: "hmm."
  • Page 35: "Only one Mami'ing allowed per comic." Referring to Mami's unexpected death at the beginning of Madoka Magica, to which Team Alchemical's demise is often compared.
  • Happy Holidays!: "Happy Holidays!"
  • Interstitial: "A girl's general appearance might also change suddenly when someone else is drawing her" Referencing the change in artist after Chapter 2.

Chapter 9[]

  • Page 1: "Oh, it was just Sylvia after all."
  • Page 2: "Yo new artist who dis" Most of Team Alchemical's previous appearances were drawn by Oscar.
  • Page 3: "Sally was the only one allowed to use that nickname, because she just refused to stop."
  • Page 4: "Now you're just showing off"
  • Page 5: "Can't get no relief."
  • Page 6: "Mouthburger Baaaabies, make our dreams come truuue~"
  • Page 7: "Tell the paparazzi, get the lens right"
  • Page 8: "More like Team Outrage[d by their lack of screentime on this page]"
  • Page 9: "the shameful kind"
  • Page 10: "She has the power of god and anime on her side" Reference to a viral Vine.
  • Guest Art - Miyuli: "The bow/scarf so gooooood"
  • Guest Art - Lisa Harald: "I keep staring at the costume details on this! They're so good~~"
  • Guest Art - Grace Liu: "Guest Art - Grace Liu"
  • Guest Art - Charmwitch: "Look at those widdle mouth sliders"
  • Page 11: no alt text for this page
  • Page 12: "I'm... pretty sure she's gone now!?"
  • Page 13: "Yo you're all on the clock still get back to work"
  • Page 14: "Even I forgot about these normies, pff"
  • Page 15: "Please, call her Water-sama"
  • Page 16: "If only all his powers weren't broom-based..."
  • Page 17: "Being a muggle has its own problems~"
  • Page 18: "This is HP's designated Get Your Attention dance."
  • Page 19: "It's Barrier Stuff, you wouldn't understand"
  • Page 20: "Get it all out"
  • Announcements!: "Hey remember these guys?"
  • Page 21: "Pft, amateurs getting all worked up over a few yelly gasmouths."
  • Page 22: "the return of everyone's favorite character, Nice Jacket"
  • Page 23: "Undine needs to stop being so off-brand for the name of this comic >:("
  • Page 24: "I mean, it's equally deep whether you're tall or not, technically."
  • Page 25: "When I get to the bottom of it I sink"
  • Page 26: "Restful Domain"
  • Page 27: "introducing Momdine"
  • Page 28: "Kokoro: "You aren't my mom!!" Nurse: "Yes but we work here so get out.""
  • Page 29: "How strange... it just says "Updog"..."
  • Page 30: "Kokoro: *Rapidly looking between her note and the nurse while scribbling feverishly*"
  • Page 31: "Remember that time Undine straight up killed a reporter with her powers"
  • Page 32: "Please don't forget your handout on "Cat Sounds And Why They are So Good""
  • Page 33: "This is Fine."
  • Interstitial: "Rue would like to remind you that once you're in the system, you can never get out."

Chapter 10[]

  • Page 1: "Oh I'm sorry, I was thinking of Heartful Paunch. Totally different girl."
  • Page 2: "Don't talk with food in your mouth, young lady"
  • Page 3: "Does this mean all my cats are a business expense now since they're research for my comic"
  • Page 4: "Nobody said they all had to be Water Things"
  • Page 5: "imma spread mah litter all over your floor. That'll teach ya to sass me."
  • Page 6: "She didn't get her punching PHD to be called Kokoro"
  • Page 7: "Kokoro is already making a subconscious mental list of possible nicknames for this new acquaintance"
  • Page 8: "Oh! It's Bud, Harley, and the Chump!"
  • Page 9: "Suzy: "Also I haven't been in the comic since ch4 so please come have plot-relevant conversations near me next time!?!""
  • Page 10: "You'll never be a main character if you don't find some weird way to wear your uniform wrong! It's ANIME"
  • Page 11: "I got no time for cartoon animals without an X on their butt"
  • Page 12: no alt text for this page
  • Page 13: "Don't worry, Kicks is not interested in drinking this gross protein chalkmilk"
  • Page 14: "Let's go shopping for cordless phones so Cube doesn't have to draw these wires any more!"
  • Page 15: "Only 20% off on brown rectangle?? Too expensive still IMO"
  • Page 16: "Kokoro Knows the only place you can go to be a true anime"
  • Page 17: "Beets are tasty because they sound like beats, which HP delivers regularly."
  • Page 18: "Mamakoro? Heartful Mom? "
  • Page 19: "Naginatas are cool"
  • Page 20: "All powerful mahous began as poopy diaper babies, true story"
  • Page 21: "Kokoro more like Woke-oro"
  • Page 22: "Hey hey get out of here Dadkoro, we're supposed to be talking about Momkoro!!"
  • Page 23: "Mitsuki more like... Momtsuki..."
  • Page 24: "The well-known ancient European polearm, the Halibut"
  • Page 25: "Like with the googoos and the gagas and the wawas???"
  • Page 26: "Shooting Star, get itttttTttTtttTTttt"
  • Page 27: "more than a light contact wound"
  • Page 28: "there she is"
  • Page 29: "cried her eyes out"
  • Page 30: "Stupid kokoro, you're supposed to ADD black to your outfit for later seasons."
  • Page 31: "Ice to meet you"
  • Page 32: "her voice sounded kinda... purple and doodly"
  • Page 33: "Everyone knows, only chumps send people spooky calls."
  • Page 34: "Sometimes you almost get eaten by a giant mouthburger but it's kinda whatever, y'know?"
  • Page 35: "We all want to change the world"
  • Interstitial p1: "This page went up fast 'cause I didn't draw it"
  • Interstitial p2: "Sports suck, they're not even allowed to use magic most of the time"
  • interstitial p3: "Teacher: "Well you should probably tell your parents, just so they know.""
  • Interstitial p4: "They hold hands while transforming like Precure, obviously."

Chapter 11[]

  • Page 1: "Imagination Kokoro may be shorter than she appears"
  • Page 2: "But what about that other Alchemical member... *checks hand* Salty?"
  • Page 3: "But with her powers, she could send a monster the message... "ur dumb""
  • Page 4: "Ah, Undine and the Color Kids"
  • Page 5: "Everyone's celebrating National Burgnight"
  • Page 6: "*slaps Alex on the back, so he coughs out a single small leftover screamy mouth*"
  • Page 7: "Silver Strike more like Silver... Lotsahair..."
  • Page 8: "Same Anxiety Hat!"
  • Page 9: "Wow I can't believe she needs to buy new glasses every time she transforms"
  • Page 10: "Knock Knock it's Knuck--oh they're gone"
  • Page 11: "Nonstop action over in the Undine-Vedika camp."
  • Page 12: "You thought it was Mrs. Wells, but it was me, GOOPS! Nah it's Mrs. Wells don't worry."
  • Page 13: "This is Fine"
  • Page 14: "Finally, a name for this most important of characters"
  • Page 15: "HP back when her bangs were Unacceptably Normal"
  • Page 16: "*20 seconds later* Yo new brain who dis"
  • Page 17: "Panel 4: ... Literally!!!!!!!"
  • Page 18: "makes sense"
  • Page 19: "No honestly, you suck at being psychic less than I thought!"
  • Page 20: "Cool, I'm sure this won't be relevant ever!"
  • Page 21: "*Ike voice* I Fight for my Friends"
  • Page 22: "In case you forgot, MGSI stands for Mega Girly Sexy Iguanas"
  • Page 23: "Harley Harley, Did you Ask her? Telling Lies? Open your Mouth."
  • Interstitial - Crimmus (1/2): "Okay I know she's got poofy gray hair in this depiction but I swear she's not Zoe probably"
  • Interstitial - Crimmus (2/2): "Don't even get her started on the lesser known holiday of Honkah"
  • Page 24: "They'll be fine as long as nobody sticks the leggy out real far"
  • Page 25: "Like, for instance, because I'm super cool and the best"
  • Page 26: "Zoe's big sister, famous magical girl Ariana Grande"
  • Page 27: "Tastes like... pink lemonade?"
  • Page 28: "Sick'a this borb over here"
  • Page 29: "Mark could turn into several animal too, if he wanted to! He CHOOSES not to."
  • Page 30: "c--...crab battle...? This is still a relevant meme, right...?"
  • Page 31: "Nico: "Wait wait bring that sexy rat friend back""
  • Page 32: "I'm sure it's a perfectly normal magical thing"
  • Page 33: "Gotta take the fight to her... in Goopsville..."
  • Page 34: "Monsterface for Smash 2019"
  • Guest Comic by Corinth: "Ah, the three archetypes... Tsundere, Kuudere, and Smugdere."

Chapter 12[]

  • Page 1: "Missing those Late for School dreams"
  • Page 2: "Ms. Cable is constantly complaining about the creepy design of those Punko Pops."
  • Page 3: "Stop! Tessa Time"
  • Page 4: "Milk is my favorite brand of Milk"
  • Page 5: "One of those days"
  • Page 6: "Gotta get some help from magical girl Math Muncher"
  • Page 7: "Math is for losers anyway"
  • Page 8: "doki doki dining"
  • Page 9: "Rue did not remember he was on the student council."
  • Headed to ECCC!: "Cut to "I had no idea you were gonna be here!" and me being like "AAAAAAAAAA""
  • Page 10: "Humph, only the smallest nerds would fit into these lockers."
  • Page 11: "Parents: Confirmed corporeal"
  • Page 12: "Rue's true form is a large bandaid with a green afro, which itself has a smaller bandaid stuck on top."
  • Page 13: "Dang kids think they're invincible, unlike Tessa who is now 50 years old"
  • Page 14: "It's good research because the rest of the fish is free for you to eat after"
  • Page 15: "Jeez, don't make me Spoon Feed you this information hyuk hyuk hyuk"
  • Page 16: "don't mind me just disassociating a bit while you talk about UFOs or whatnot"
  • Page 17: "They couldn't actually find any good pictures of Undine alone on file"
  • Page 18: "Y'know, that theory. About the tunnels."
  • Page 19: "the worst crackpots are the Sphere City believers"
  • Page 20: "Like ships in the night"
  • Page 21: "Rue exists in a Crackless Domain"
  • Page 22: "She's been avoiding asking why Tessa's always busy"
  • Page 23: "Cool."
  • Page 24: "Zinnia, Black-eyed Susan, Amaryllis"
  • Page 25: "Sorry to interrupt your zoning out or whatever"
  • Page 26: "Anemone: Okay but what do you think of the shading. Pretty good right."
  • Page 27: "Oh, her? I think you mean Mahou Jesus"
  • Page 28: "Oh Okay, thank you for letting me know~!"
  • Volume 1 Kickstarter is Live!: "Volume 1 Kickstarter is Live!"
  • Page 29: "Eh, whatever"
  • Page 30: "The other families were bound to stop by sometimes"
  • Page 31: "Maze time, home of the brave putting work in the street like a slave" Line from Ken Ashcorp's Ante Up, a Madoka-themed parody of the M.O.P. song of the same name.
  • Page 32: ":)"
  • Page 33: no alt text for this page
  • Interstitial: "Gotta stop talking to your imaginary friends"
  • Guest Comic - Krekalie: "This comic is, technically, canonical"
  • Guest Comic - Ayme Sotuyo: "This comic is, technically, not canonical whatsoever."

Chapter 13[]

  • Page 1: "Oh don't worry, he knows it's insulting. He just thinks that is very funny."
  • Page 2: "Nice special effects, Faker"
  • Page 3: no alt text for this page
  • Page 4: "But is the explosion Lime-Flavored?"
  • Page 5: "This one has more eyes, because clearly the problem with the last one was Insufficient Eyes"
  • Page 6: "Blamoosh"
  • Page 7: "This is Mountain Dew Propaganda"
  • Page 8: no alt text for this page
  • Page 9: "mada dame yo"
  • Page 10: ""Surely Cube won't just put every Kiwi Blitz character in SD," you said, like a fool"
  • Page 11: no alt text for this page
  • Page 12: "Thank you for reading my anime"
  • Page 13: "Two thirteens makes a double negative, and is thus very lucky." This is page 13 of chapter 13.
  • Page 14: "hewwo it me, Bigger Teethy Worm"
  • Page 15: "Well this is just embarrassing for team Teethyworm"
  • Page 16: "Bug Off *winks at camera*"
  • Page 17: "Okay nice meeting you!"
  • Page 18: "This page: mostly about snacking"
  • Page 19: "Oatmeal Cream Pies are very important to My Culture"
  • Page 20: "There is no escape from momification"
  • Page 21: "Maybe you just haven't heard about our lord and savior The Government"
  • Page 22: "I hear the Space Slam Arcade finally got a Dance Dance Retribution machine!"
  • Page 23: "You ain't living unless your parents are freaking out all the time forever"
  • Page 24: "This is page 420 of the comic, so time for everyone to calm down with some weeeeeeeeeeee--"
  • Page 25: "Just because I'm good at math doesn't MEAN I need to be an engineer, MOM!!! COMICS ARE GOING GREAT"
  • Page 26: "NO ZOE DON'T GO TOWARDS THE LIGHT-- welp I guess she's in heaven now. rest in peace sweet child"
  • Page 27: "Weeoooweeoo baby cops on the case"
  • Page 28: "Zoe aint no snitch"
  • Page 29: "Everyone is talking, but nobody is talking about ME, the BABY! >:("
  • Page 30: "But can Dill come too? He seems extremely powerful."
  • Page 31: "Yeah yeah Sans yeah yeah HE DOESN'T OWN A COPYRIGHT ON GLOWY EYE"
  • Page 32: "Cue the Metal Mario theme, but like, a magical pop remix of it."
  • Page 33: "Jumpy Magic is the most efficient form of transportation"
  • Interstitial: no alt text for this page
  • Guest Comic by Saane: "*heard softly in the background* Hello Darkness my old friend~~"
  • Fright Night!: ""This is what you call self care, scrubs""

Chapter 14[]

  • Page 1: "Gotta wear Artoria hair to go meet Arthur (This is a Fate/Stay Night Thing)"
  • Page 2: "Those other magical girls are obviously a bunch of losers"
  • Page 3: "Welcome to the Interrogation Zone"
  • Page 4: "No pictures!! Except this one. I got this one super secretly."
  • Page 5: "You're not my real mom! My real mom is dead! Now don't YOU feel silly!!!"
  • Page 6: "My head's right Here! Joke's on you!! Gott'er!"
  • Page 7: "It's really nice that only Nice Things have happened recently! Wowsa!"
  • Page 8: "She has that last part as a motivational poster on her wall somewhere"
  • Page 9: "Welcome to Magical Girl Management Simulator"
  • Page 10: "All Weird Chump letters have been successfully expunged"
  • Page 11: "You might call this page... a Mixed Bag"
  • Page 12: "Not Today, Satan"
  • Page 13: "Mr. Wells, AKA Dadine. Daddine? Papa'Dine"
  • Page 14: "I'm tagging this page with Dadine because I will never accept the fan name of Undad. It is Blasphemy."
  • Page 15: "Sending fan postcards with the magical girl's own branding is always Extra Points"
  • Merry Crimmus 2019!: "Dill does not yet believe in the magic of Crimmus, for he is a mere babby"
  • Page 16: "Featuring Revisionist History on how Zoe's hair looked in chapter 4"
  • Page 17: "Attempting to Internalize Nice Words, Beep boop beep boop"
  • Page 18: "Bad news, Undine has developed Hyperlasers in the past few weeks."
  • Page 19: "Now that the chumps are leaving, it's Real Muscle Hours"
  • Page 20: "Cut-chan has arrived" This page confirms that Cassidy was the mysterious scissor-themed mahou seen in Chapter 8, who fans had nicknamed "Cut-chan".
  • Page 21: "That's super impressive and not kinda uncomfortably weird at all!"
  • Page 22: "No one expects the Cassidy Inquisition" Reference to the Monty Python sketch, The Spanish Inquisition.
  • Page 23: "It's back of the blade stuff, it's fiiiine totally fiiiiine"
  • Page 24: "What is your deal is the most Discussed in the Media"
  • Page 25: "The Hero confronts the Villain"
  • Page 26: "Like Mariah Carey, I Don't Know Her"
  • Page 27: "Time to stop being Polite, and start getting Real"
  • Page 28: "She prefers to talk with Orangessidy"
  • Page 29: "50 points"
  • Page 30: "Rolling up to the party with mah flower boys"
  • Page 31: "Seeya later, Aster Blasters." Reference to the Gaster Blaster from the video game Undertale. Aster is a genus of flowering plants.
  • Page 32: "Small words, from a small being."
  • Page 33: "(...stop believing)" Don't Stop Believin', by Journey.
  • Page 34: "Thank goodness HP showed up!-- Oh it's just Flashback Kokoro :("
  • Interstitial: "Can't sleep, too busy thinkin about the dream"
  • Guest Comic - Magnolia Porter Siddell: "Kokoro assures you how SHE looks hasn't changed at all from the early chapters"
  • Q&A Time!: "I am sorry to inform you that you are still a fashion criminal, Apple."

Chapter 15[]

  • Page 1: "the next several pages are just chapter 14 but in thought bubbles"
  • Page 2: "Wreck'd"
  • Page 3: "Please. Vedika. She didn't fly off, she super-surfed off." Undine's method of flight vaguely resembles riding a surfboard.
  • Page 4: "Spilling Tea, you see" "Spilling tea" is an expression meaning engaging in gossip.
  • Page 5: "Reunited at last, after 500 years in real time and uh a few hours in universe probably" Undine and Kokoro had not had a scene together since the end of Chapter 11, posted over a year earlier.
  • Page 6: "Guess she followed her heart *winks at you 50 times*"
  • Page 7: "You can't beat me in this debate, I will crush your windpipe"
  • Page 8: "I mean, I've barely even been in the comic lately!" Undine did not appear at all in Chapters 12 and 13.
  • Page 9: "No you"
  • Page 10: "Oh okay! *Immediately forgets about it*"
  • Page 11: "Team Chumps"
  • Page 12: "fight harmful bacteria with vigorous washing"
  • Page 13: ""Ugh, this dumbdumb""
  • Page 14: "Kokoro learning to fly, very convenient"
  • Page 15: "Get back to work, you two!"
  • Page 16: "Cassidy left my field of vision and thus no longer exists"
  • Page 17: "You know it's a serious discussion 'cause everybody's crossin' their arms"
  • Page 18: "swapping out Gray Text Girls" Both Bud and Zoe have grey text bubbles, making the scene transition easy to miss.
  • Page 19: "They're just having a good lizard time, please no bully"
  • Movin'!: "The TRUE MONSTER is all those tiny things I didn't realize I had and now I gotta deal with em"
  • Page 20: "No talk me I'm angy"
  • Page 21: "This is what happens when your city lacks a robust TNR program." Trap–neuter–return, a system for managing feral cats.
  • Page 22: "Please no banter, we're all professionals here."
  • Page 23: no alt text for this page
  • Page 24: no alt text for this page
  • Page 25: no alt text for this page
  • Page 26: "Take this promise to the end of you" Line from Forest, by System of a Down.
  • Page 27: "Huh, guess this night was totally fine after all!"
  • Page 28: "*Waves goodbye to the wallhands*"
  • Page 29: "Heartful Punch more like... Smoothful Moves!!!"
  • Page 30: "Keep it together, Kokoro!!!"
  • Page 31: "Various different things happened this chapter!"
  • Interstitial: "She's hasn't tried knitting before, because it's hard to make Angsty Art with knitting."
  • 2020 Character Poll Results!: "Jeez, Don't you know it's impossible for characters in the top 10 to die! She was so close!"

Chapter 16[]

  • Page 1: "You are... okay?"
  • Page 2: "Banished to Endless Locker Hell"
  • Page 3: "Pas de duh"
  • Page 4: "The Practicing Magical Girl Stuff club would actually be fewer words."
  • Page 5: "Kokoro suddenly drops in from above frame, having been summoned by the power of Training."
  • Page 6: "Apple isn't even a member of Team Notorious!"
  • Page 7: "Oh finally, the other members of team Loserfans." The two girls talking to HP are the same ones following her in Chapter 2 along with Vedika and Cassidy.
  • Page 8: ""Y'know, with me going to sleep. That part was great.""
  • Page 9: "It would certainly surprise all of us as well!"
  • Page 10: "We just became partners, but we've already reached top 10 anime betrayals!?"
  • Page 11: "Wow, she sounds like a real loser actually!"
  • Page 12: "Man, I hate Mysterious Ring of Action Effects-chan"
  • Page 13: "Finally, the only period that really matters. Omnomnom"
  • Page 14: "Hey Vedika, transform so we can have a psychic meeting real quick."
  • Page 15: "Maybe she skipped town? Wait nm"
  • Page 16: "I will not be taking questions on how the last panel works GOODBYE"
  • Page 17: "Wow, I can't believe HP is finally admitting to being Goops all along!"
  • Page 18: "Despawning to win an argument is effective, but not recommended."
  • Page 19: "No one was hiding in the stalls, except the school ghost."
  • Page 20: "A full lunch is the fourth or fifth step to kicking ass!" Reference to Kokoro's "good sleep" line from Chapter 7. [4]
  • Page 21: "Sorry, the Blamegame Lobby is full for this round."
  • Page 22: "It's fine, Tessa's got a cool new penpal now."
  • Page 23: "It's hard for Bud to keep her ear out because I never draw her ears."
  • Page 24: "She secretly revels in keeping the kids guessing how she got her scar"
  • Page 25: "Welcome to Magical Girl Drama Club, Noob!"
  • Page 26: "You're really hard to understand when you only speak in sentence fragments like that"
  • Page 27: "But have you ever heard of a talking flower?"
  • Page 28: "Welcome to Magical Girl Self Esteem Issues Club"
  • Page 29: "Vedika won't bring up Schrodinger's Cat because she isn't Basic."
  • Page 30: "You can't see goops, she is perfectly hidden"
  • Page 31: "Zoe has politely requested the ability to read the last 2 chapters"
  • Page 32: "The Girls! Are!! Fighting!!!"
  • Page 33: "Phoenix Wright Objection dot MP3"
  • Page 34: "Bud can't possibly defy the Dominance of this T Pose"
  • Page 35: "No Escape from Magical Girl Drama Club!!!"
  • Interstitial: no alt text for this page
  • Q&A Time 2!: "The Government Nerd's name is Fate"

Chapter 17[]

  • Page 1: "Come together, Right now, Over she" Playing with lyric "Come together, right now, over me" from Come Together, by the Beatles.
  • Page 2: "Wow, sounds like a real lazy club."
  • Page 3: "Don't point at the panels Rue! It's Rue-de!"
  • SD and the Seventh Sea: "Goops finally made the front cover, so proud of her"
  • Page 4: "Do the Young People even know what a phone booth is nowadays"
  • Page 5: "Bud, meanwhile, has an awesome name that gives her +5 charisma"
  • Page 6: "Can you please desummon your laser pods so they don't block me in the comic"
  • Page 7: "A problem shared is a problem... fifthed? Sixthed?"
  • Page 8: "A Problem that CAN'T be solved with training? NO!!!"
  • Page 9: "You know it's not a real Anime because Vedika didn't sneeze" Reference to the anime trope of cutting to someone sneezing when their name is mentioned.
  • Page 10: "She lives in Canada and her dad works at Nintendo" Reference to "I have a girlfriend who lives in Canada" and "I have a family member who works at Nintendo", both jokes about kids making unverifiable boasts.
  • Page 11: "Y'know, that thing I constantly fail to explain properly OR HAVE I ACTUALLY--"
  • Page 12: "I'm sure glad none of us have seen anything weird at all"
  • Page 13: "We weren't as big, by several inches even."
  • Page 14: "Undine has no idea what Limepunch babies looked like"
  • Page 15: "Ah, all back to perfectly normal"
  • Page 16: "Ah, everyone's favorite meme, the concept of Sleep"
  • Taking a Breather: "This page is technically a canonical depiction of current events in-universe"
  • One more Week: "Kokoro's pits smell but Undine is being very polite"
  • Page 17: "Damn, they're on to my many gossip crimes."
  • Page 18: "You're under arrest for Gay Crimes"
  • Page 19: "Jeez, call me Spear Mama!"
  • Page 20: "CDD Officer 1 is wishing that smart phones existed in this setting."
  • Page 21: "Mingxing is nothing if not efficient at her job"
  • Page 22: "You might call this new girl Techno. And maybe a bit Blitzy."
  • Page 23: "Egg friend is now Undine's child. They are very proud mothers!"
  • Page 24: "TFW you're so lost in thought that you start blurring out"
  • Page 25: "Beth will fight any of you if you cause trouble, magic or no."
  • Page 26: "I meant to ask if you've told anyone who isn't a widdle baaaaaby"
  • Page 27: "And here Undine thought they'd be focusing on HER emotional baggage"
  • Page 28: "Dang Mingxing we had no idea, better report this to the people"
  • Page 29: "I'm sorry, will all this Goops stuff help my current subquest?"
  • Page 30: "Third to last panel: Eggbaby will remember this Abandonment"
  • Page 31: "She could really use... a hand..."
  • Page 32: "Only as a baby was Kokoro in the closet ;) ;) ;)" Kokoro is openly gay.
  • Page 33: "A Speedy transformation, in two ways!"
  • Page 34: "Dang I sure hope neither of them died!"
  • Interstitial???: "Like me, Anemone was forced to draw very quickly for this page"
  • Interstitial: "I don't know why she's drinking a bomb but I don't like to judge!!!"

Chapter 18[]

  • Page 1: "I have to tell... The President"
  • Page 2: "Time for some Girl Talk"
  • Page 3: "This is me every time I open my email inbox"
  • Page 4: "She's the only member of the Gardening Club, but she's very useful."
  • Page 5: "Wow how'd this object get here! Also where is Zoe!"
  • Page 6: "With time, Zoe can fulfill her destiny of making a giant metal Broccoli"
  • Page 7: "Shoutout to everyone who insisted it was Sausagehair"
  • Page 8: "The people who live near Future's Promise kindly ask for Fewer Lasers"
  • Page 9: "Alas Mondrian Hellscape, we hardly knew ye" Reference to the abstract works of Piet Mondrian such as Composition with Red Blue and Yellow, which this night's inner barrier design is based on.
  • Page 10: "Undine still feels like she has to dress Politely for the cemetary"
  • Page 11: "In which Tessa catches up with the plot of her least favorite webcomic"
  • Page 12: "Quick Undine, tell her that Goops also speaks in that same font!"
  • Page 13: "Tessa is having some thoughts, and I'm sure they are all fine!"
  • Page 14: "The next page is just them debating every character's power ranking"
  • Page 15: "Fair Enough, but in rebuttal: No U"
  • Page 16: "Another head hangs lowly" A line from Zombie, by the Cranberries.
  • Page 17: "What's in your head, in your head?" Zombie
  • Page 18: "We must be Mistaken." Zombie
  • Page 19: "I am playing a miniature organ, waiting for you to come." From the song Kuroi Tane, by Akino Arai, from the anime Outlaw Star.
  • Page 20: "Anyway meowmeowmeowmeowmeow"
  • Page 21: "Wow who are those amazing beautiful cats in those portraits? Amazing!" The cats in the framed pictures are all ones Mary has owned or fostered.
  • Page 22: "Excuse me, This kind of mood is illegal at the Catfe"
  • Page 23: "Cat is now done with you, he has important Loafing to do."
  • Page 24: "The rumor come out: Does Kokoro is Angsty Teenager?"
  • Page 25: "Tessa is ready to Fight a Window"
  • Page 26: "Mada dame yo"
  • Page 27: no alt text for this page
  • Page 28: "."
  • Page 29: ".."
  • Page 30: "..."
  • Page 31: "...."
  • Page 32: "....."
  • Page 33: "Remember what the dormouse said" From the song White Rabbit by the band Jefferson Airplane, itself a reference to Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass.
  • Fourth Annual Character Poll!: "The Fortes have been relegated to write-ins, they are finally safe"

Chapter ???[]

  • Page 1: "Loading Playlist" The alt text for the remaining pages are song titles.
  • Page 2: "System 0"
  • Page 3: "Parade (Instrumental)" by Susumu Hirasawa, from the movie Paprika.
  • Page 4: "Youth Without Youth - Metric"
  • Page 5: "Patchwork Eden" by sasakure.UK featuring GUMI
  • Page 6: "Sounds of Life" by Pendulum featuring Jasmine Yee
  • Page 7: "The World - Yuki Kajiura"
  • Page 8: "This is the Happiness and Peace of Mind Committee" by Utata-P ft. 初音ミク
  • Chapter 18 - Page 42: "Mother - Danzig"
  • 2021 Character Poll Results: "Goops's true evil plan revealed! It wasn't actually very effective"
  • Character Q&A! : "Kokoro is fit, but her gains are Weak and her mouth is Loud"
  • Character Q&A dos!: "Have you ever seen a Precure? She follows a proud tradition"

Chapter 19[]

  • Page 1: "Ah, back to normal alt text! Uhh I'm sure Tessa's fine!!!"
  • Page 2: "In this chapter, Undine is saddened by the loss of Kokoro to Alien Abduction" Kokoro's floating pose resembles older science-fiction depictions of alien abduction.
  • Page 3: "Your Dog is Easy To Kill! God I hope someone gets that reference"
  • Page 4: "It's always good to make new friends."
  • Page 5: "Luckily the Scorpion was venomous but not poisonous, it's actually an important scientific distinctio-" Referring to the distinction between venomous animals (which inject toxins into others) and poisonous animals (which deliver toxins when ingested).[5]
  • Page 6: "It's not made of water because water's a liquid, DUHHHH" Steam is the gaseous form of water, but people informally use "water" to refer to just the liquid form. Undine's previously said that she can control steam.[6]
  • Page 7: "Oh no! A monster with the power of clipping errors!"
  • Page 8: "Ah, so the mist was made of Farts all along!"
  • Merry Crimmus 2021!: "Staying Hydrated is the first step to a healthy holiday season!"
  • Page 9: "Call her Miss Cellophane"
  • Page 10: "Oh hey it's Otherside Picnic now"
  • Page 11: "I have no fists and I must punch!!!" Reference to the short story I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream.
  • Page 12: "Oh I get it, because she only has one eye!"
  • Page 13: "Please, be respectful and call her Spoops."
  • Page 14: "And here you all mocked her very useful goopy hair"
  • Page 15: "HP won in the marketplace of ideas! Goops will disappear shortly."
  • Page 16: "Do you really think you're the superior PinkPurpleWhite girl around here?"
  • Page 17: "Don't stress so much, says Stressa Contessa."
  • Page 18: "A tackle only a magical girl could survive!"
  • Page 19: "Please hold your questions for when I'm done talking offscreen"
  • Page 20: "A serial killer girl just sounds a bit pulp for this setting, y'know?"
  • Page 21: "Kokoro, I think Goops might be kind of Cringe actually"
  • Page 22: "You can tell me if you also have a weird goopy stalker girl, it's okay!"
  • Page 23: "None of our problems are actual problems! We're Fictional Characters!"
  • Page 24: "The anime will add an utterly nonsensical but amazingly animated fight scene in here"
  • Page 25: "Ghost Gwen is very mad Undine stole her line in panel 4" Reference to a flashback at the start of Chapter 9.[7]
  • Page 26: "Oh Snap it's the Architecture Conformity Patrol"
  • Page 27: "This is going to be super embarrassing if I'm talking out loud to no one"
  • Page 28: "I'm not imaginary! YOU'RE imaginary!"
  • Page 29: "She's a leader, after all"
  • Page 30: "She thinks she's so cool just because she has More Teeth than everyone else" Teeth are not usually drawn this detailed in the comic.
  • Page 31: "Finally, the BG colorist got back on the job"
  • Page 32: "Well, that answers multiple questions"
  • Page 33: "It's past your bedtimes"
  • Interstitial: "Steffi knows eye-searing green when she sees it." Steffi's complaint is an ironic joke referencing the color of her costume and robot in Kiwi Blitz.
  • Guest Comic - Hap Blue: "You WISH your hair was as good for hiding in shrubs as Rue's"
  • A little Breaky: "Club participation is somewhat low on account of everyone being A Bit Busy"
  • Official Materials: "No one would take my suggestion to make the first letter F for Find a cool place to patrol"

Chapter 20[]

  • Page 1: "I know you are but what am I"
  • Page 2: "I think this meeting might not be getting off on the right foot."
  • Page 3: "Goops has the dark power to Read the Cast Page"
  • Page 4: "Alas Needle, you lasted a few pages there."
  • Page 5: "Stressa's immune to Fuzzy Eye Attacks because her eyes are all Weird"
  • Page 6: "Whatever, Rainbow Brite"
  • Page 7: "Anemone says Happy Pride Month"
  • Page 8: "Time to complain to the Inner Barrier Provider about this outage! Oh wait she's busy"
  • Page 9: "Have you ever heard about friendly little purple guys at MG school?"
  • Page 10: "Like, take it out to dinner?"
  • Page 11: "Thanks for the Pushpops, bro!"
  • Page 12: "Happy early Fourth of July???"
  • Page 13: "Actually Veds just remembered she left the stove on."
  • Page 14: "The biggest twist.. her makeup isn't even real!"
  • Page 15: "Please don't curse in front of my child like this."
  • Page 16: "You wouldn't punch a girl with Goops eyes, would you?"
  • Page 17: "If Tessa's NOT in there, then this is all according to Keikaku" A reference to a scene from the anime adaptation of Death Note where "keikaku" is not translated to "plan" in the subtitles.
  • Page 18: " She should have tried reading the gun's mind so she could tell it to Curve the Bullet."
  • Page 19: "Please, everyone knows Ladder Master only uses her own summoned ladders."
  • Page 20: "Vedika, you were legally obligated to say Eat This :("
  • Page 21: "This is just normal Rat Thoughts."
  • Page 22: "She asked so nicely that it had no choice!"
  • Page 23: "More like Magical Girl Totally Fine~!"
  • Page 24: "Maybe it'll just kinda... go away on its own?"
  • Page 25: "Oh hey, it really did go away on its own. Sweet."
  • Page 26: "What was that guy doing up at such a ridiculous hour? I would never"
  • Page 27: "What I meant was... Can't Touch This daaaanananana"
  • Page 28: "Their thoughts were probably like, blegghh blegghh Imma Monster!"
  • Page 29: "I look forward to never worrying about this again ever!"
  • Page 30: "Oh no, she's experiencing some kind of magical opacity error!"
  • Page 31: "The author refuses to name her, it's not your fault Anemone!"
  • Page 32: "Is YOUR daughter out late at night merging with a goops? It's more likely than you think!"
  • Page 33: "A Tessa? Kinda weird halloween costume but you do you." This page was published on Halloween.
  • Interstitial 1: "Whoa please slow down, that's a lot of exposition for one panel!"
  • Interstitial 2: "Checking baby catbutts for sex is a notoriously imprecise artform, but we do our best."
  • Interstitial 3: "Around six to eight weeks, we'll know if she has magical powers or not."
  • Interstitial 4: "The next page will be all about how to make her poo-- oh what this is it? Aww"

Chapter 21[]

  • Page 1: "It's almost like this last came up months ago!! Weird how that works!"
  • Page 2: "Oh! Turns out it's a weird literal image as well."
  • 2022 Character Poll Results!: "Next Year, Vedika abuses her psychic powers to climb the polls!"
  • Page 3: "Why would anyone assume that!! She says with her blue hairpin"
  • Page 4: "And you WON'T be seen talking to yourself! By anyone!!!"
  • Page 5: "It's always good to clear up a misunderstanding like this!"
  • Page 6: "But how will people know which one of us is talking? Our text colors are the same!"
  • Page 7: "They simply got separated and then met back up! ... From Undine's perspective."
  • Page 8: "Let's move to somewhere easier to draw-- I mean more private!"
  • Page 9: "Harley demands you stop trying to add another genre to the equation here."
  • Page 10: "Bud has realized she has to change seating locations so she can participate in group shots"
  • Page 11: "There's really no way the Barrier thing could have anything to do with us!"
  • Volume 2 Cover Preview: "Damn good thing Undine dodged that murderous punch!"
  • Volume 2 Title Illustration: "Undine grabbing at the rest of her hair ringlets she used to have, which have clearly escaped"
  • Page 12: "Managers are very territorial, and can smell another manager from up to 200 ft away"
  • Page 13: "Undine thought Kokoro was just surprisingly DGAF about her look, clearly!"
  • Page 14: "Only one shoe on the table. She wants to make a good impression!"
  • Page 15: "You'd last five minutes before she tells you that you aren't her REAL DAD."
  • Page 16: "Please, you're embarrassing your daughters."
  • Page 17: "They're very good at keeping their relationship super on the Down Low."
  • Page 18: "This will come in handy when I have a billion dollars and fund my own Anime finally"
  • Page 19: "Her new ribbon tails have an Anti Sound Effect Aura"
  • Page 20: "Dude doesn't even know how much he stands out against these bubblepeople."
  • Page 21: "Wasn't that a few years ago-- I mean a few hundreds of pages--"
  • Page 22: "Hold on just let me take a big sip of my drink and then hold it in for a while until I'm surprised enough to PTEW"
  • Page 23: "Oh, you must be talking about well known Magical Girl, Monster Controller!"
  • Part 24: "Not so much a 'fight' as a 'I tried to hit her and she goopsed out' situation"
  • Page 25: "TFW you're so frustrated your eyes just kinda pop out of existence, y'know?"
  • Page 26: "I'm thinkin'... Arby's"
  • Page 27: "You're not going to jump on the sofa and tell me about Scientology, are you?"
  • Page 28: "This is going to be horrible for my many goopy purple magical girl clients."
  • Page 29: "They have to stay transformed until they exit this encounter"
  • Page 30: "You can just stay right here all night if you want, I guess!!"
  • Page 31: "This is also how I get gals to my place. Those gals are cats, naturally."
  • Page 32: "Hey! Only Anemone is allowed to talk to people who aren't there!"
  • Interstitial: "Anemone's logging on to argue with everyone about their interpretations of her character"

Chapter 22[]

  • Page 1: "If you don't get out by 10pm, your punishment is that Suzy will look at you with deep annoyance."
  • Page 2: "They grew their hair out a bit just for this photoshoot, obviously"
  • Page 3: "This is also how I am described at parties"
  • Page 4: "Undine looking right at that adorable Very Visible Butthole"
  • Page 5: "I can't believe no one said Oh Big Stretch. Very rude!"
  • Page 6: "HP is used to winning arguments with These Hands"
  • Page 7: "She invited him, but specifically said he had to sit in the back of the class."
  • Page 8: "Fine! If you insist on "caring about me" I guess I'll talk about it!!!"
  • Page 9: "this level of stress calls for petting comfort cat with BOTH hands"
  • Page 10: "You did this Undine! You did thiiiiiis!"
  • Page 11: "Not as rough as being dead though!!! Take That, Momdine!"
  • Page 12: "And then in another Whatever years I'll be dead, so then it's all good!"
  • Page 13: "Excuse me, that was actually Kicks's Math Textbook."
  • January Hiatus: "January Hiatus"
  • Volume 2 Crowdfunding Campaign is Live!: "The thing about the book, is that it is a book! One which contains comics, even!"
  • Page 14: "Everyone knows 9:25 is official Check your Shit time!"
  • Page 15: "I wasn't watching it because I like it or anything, baka!"
  • Page 16: "Someone just forgot to fix the wiring, totally normal issue really, not sure why it's even a page."
  • Page 17: "How could Anemone do this to my poor drawing hands!"
  • Page 18: "Have we not all maintained a janky magical barrier from time to time!?"
  • Page 19: "Welcome to Undine's Power Wash Simulator!"
  • Page 20: "Even my girlfriend's silly weakass ranged attacks broke it!"
  • Page 21: "Wow! A new thing for me to regret having to render a ton of!"
  • Page 22: "Damn! Girl shoulda used Ocean's Kiss shampoo!" A reference to an endorsement deal Undine had with a shampoo brand.
  • Page 23: "I will NOT be subscribing to this monster's Patreon"
  • Page 24: "She's created some kind of Hemi-borble! Unprecedented"
  • Page 25: "She doesn't like seeing teammates fall, for some reason."
  • Page 26: "It's actually Bloobles that are for picking people up, everyone knows this"
  • Page 27: "Let's just leave. Just hit the bricks 'cause shit sucks."
  • Page 28: "Ah, so this is what they call the art of... Gattai"
  • Page 29: "This is just what happens when my cats swallow too much fur, basically."
  • Page 30: "Please mind the gap when departing the Undine Express"
  • Page 31: "Damn she's hot... no wait that's just my punch FX"
  • Page 32: "Why catch her with a blorble when you could hold HP gently, like hamburger"
  • Page 33: "Your nonsense is so valid!!!"
  • Page 34: "Sleepless Domain does not endorse HP's Advice here and is not legally responsible for any --"
  • Interstitial: "I cannot name a single time she has used a laser irresponsibly, frankly."

Chapter 23[]

  • Page 1: "We all know famous magical girl Bobthe Builder"
  • Page 2: "Mucha's Gracias"
  • Page 3: "The fires were technically always burning, since the world's been turning."
  • Page 4: "It's unfair when MGs with bitchin designs get underutilized, says Mingxing aka Starlight Spear"
  • Page 5: "With her superior argumentation, Undine won the day once again!"
  • Page 6: "Somewhere, faintly, you hear the sound of a Rue crying out."
  • Page 7: ""I met him a little while ago, like almost 20 chapters give or take."
  • Page 6: "Whenever someone gets dot eyes, I know they don't believe in me."
  • Page 7: "If it's running out, then you'd better go catch it!"
  • Page 8: "Sleepless Domain more like Sinners Domain!! You cover those knees, ladies!"
  • Page 11: "You have to cast a wide net, so that you can catch plenty of seedbitefish."


  1. Sleepless Domain TV Tropes Page, Shoo Out the Clowns. ("This page originally had humorous alt text which was later replaced, presumably because it's supposed to be a serious page. (The original alt text was: "you could say she's truly sleepless".)")
  2. DevourerOfTime Twitter, Groan (Doesn't confirm text but backs up Tropes' claim, and was liked by Mary Cagle)
  3. Mary Cagle's Twitter, Fall Out Boy's The Phoenix
  4. Chapter 7, Page 3
  6. Chapter 7, Page 15
  7. Chapter 9, Page 2