Goops Theory: Alchemical Umbra
One of the biggest mysteries within Sleepless Domain is the identity of The Purple One, colloquially known as Goops within the fandom. While it may be too early to pinpoint an exact character as Goops, we might be able to determine her connections to the other characters. Specifically, her connections to Team Alchemical. After many grueling hours of rereading the comic, I have come up with the theory that Goops might have been a part of Team Alchemical at one point.
"But Nyxal," you say. "There's only five members of Team Alchemical! And none of them have mentioned a sixth member! And there's so many holes in this theory-!"
To which I say, "Shuuuuuush. Just listen."
Okay, so first I'm gonna drop some necessary background info. Sleepless D…
Goops Identity
Who is The Purple One?
While it hasn't been officially revealed there are plenty of clues hidden in plain sight.
The answer is of course the purple-haired, magical girl Vedika.
"That's dumb! Just because both characters have purple hair doesn't make them the same character" you may say. To that I'll point out it's not just similar hair (and speech) colour. The also both have glasses.
"Goops doesn't wear glasses" I hear you say. To which I'll point out that it's a long running trope in anime to have glasses light up as white circles. In Sailor Moon (an admitted inspiration for Sleepless Domain) the leader of the Death Busters appears this way for much of the third season. In this page you can just make out the frames against her nose.
But it goes …