Sleepless Domain Wiki

Zoe and Heartful Punch both confirm that magical girls eventually grow out of their powers, and the teachers of Future's Promise are likely candidates for former magical girls, especially Undine's scarred teacher.

Deceased Magical Girls[]

Team Alchemical are not the only magical girls to die on the job. Others include,

  • Alice Liddell (cemetery)
  • Bella Peon- (cemetery)
  • Carrie White (cemetery)
  • Georg- Tann- (cemetery)
  • Grace Rodrig- (cemetery)
  • Jung Kim (cemetery)
  • L. Fro- (cemetery)
  • Laura Liu (cemetery)
  • Talauma Docker (memorialized by weight room)[1]
  • Yuri Tsuk- (cemetery)


  1. Sleepless Domain - Chapter 7, Page 6

All items (9)