"Now you’ll have to die never knowing just how much I hate you."
The Purple One (a name given by Anemone) is a character that has appeared before Undine on multiple occasions. Despite her frequent appearances, very little is actually known about her.
She is quite sadistic, seeming to delight in inflicting pain upon others.
The Purple One seems to be able to control and/or summon monsters, most notably the one that killed Gwen, Sally, and Sylvia. As Undine lay dying, The Purple One appeared before her and claimed Undine had forgotten something that may have explained The Purple One's hatred for her. Undine thinks that hatred could be the reason Team Alchemical was targeted.
Undine believes that The Purple One is a magical girl despite her unusual appearance and speech. Anemone's lack of knowledge on The Purple One further complicates her nature.
She continues to appear and taunt Undine while on patrol, distracting her in battle, and often leaving Undine in tears after an encounter with her.
She also knows of The Golden One and appears to be its enemy. While she speaks to it in Chapter 9, she claims that by helping Undine, it's only delaying the inevitable and that she's gotten stronger while it has remained stagnant. She also implies that the current form of The Golden One isn't its true form. The Golden One leaps at her, causing her to dissolve into purple slime while laughing.
As the nickname suggests, The Purple One is entirely purple barring white blotches of eyes. She has long, straight purple hair with bangs. She sports a constant, unnerving smile that stretches around her face and is much larger than a normal smile. Shortly after dealing a fatal blow to Cassidy, she is stabbed in the left eye by her in her final moments, causing the left side of her face and hair to slightly deform.
She doesn't appear to be wearing any clothes. Her entire body appears to have a rather "slimy" or "goopy" texture instead of actual skin.
- It's a running joke that Mary doesn't do alt-text when The Purple One is in the comic (jokingly hiding from her).
- This is also because most of SD's alt text is humorous and The Purple One usually appears when the story takes a dark turn.