"My name's Vedika. It's good to have a new member!"
Vedika Dhawan, titled Mindful Eye, is a magical girl who is the top student at Future's Promise, and a member of the Magical Girl Power Training Club.
She is normally seen alongside Cassidy. She volunteers at the hospital near Claire’s home when most magical girls are out fighting monsters, since her powers are noncombat. She can read minds and communicate telepathically.
Not much is currently known about Vedika's past or upbringing. Undine comments that she has the top GPA at Future's Promise, which is a feat within itself. Vedika is friendly, calm, and well-spoken.
In the past, she was an admirer of Heartful Punch, and was surprised but grateful when HP invited her to join the Magical Girl Power Training Club.
She currently spends nights volunteering at a care center instead of fighting. She greets HP and Undine at the center near Claire's house after they take Alex in for care after he and his family are attacked.
Vedika appears to be Indian. She is of average height and has light brown skin, dark purple eyes, and wears large, round glasses with black frames. She has long, dark purple hair that she wears in a braid.

Vedika transforming to train with Undine.
When transformed, Vedika's outfit colors are mainly purple and gold. Her outfit resembles a lavender kurta on top, splitting at the waist into front and back skirt halves. The back of the skirt sports two large gold eye patterns. The kurta or jacket is worn over a purple skirt with gold trim. Her arms are clad in muted purple sleeves that extend onto the backs of her hands, and she wears pants in the same shade that end near her ankles. A purple sash with gold trim is wound around her body in the fashion of a sari. She wears purple slippers trimmed in gold over no socks. Her hair is split into two shorter braids at the back of her head, and her forehead is decorated with a gold eye-shaped ornament that hangs in the manner of a maang tikka. Her glasses disappear; she may not need her vision corrected while transformed.
Vedika can send and receive telepathic messages from a distance. However, it requires focus for her to keep it limited to just the thoughts she wants to transmit and receive, and thinking about emotional topics can disrupt the connection, which is why she needs practice. She describes the thoughts as 'floating up to the surface of a lake'.
Vedika says that her telepathy gets "super weird and trippy" when she touches someone while transformed.

Vedika using her powers to transmit a sequence of events to HP.
She uses this power to rapidly communicate a series of events to HP in Chapter 15. HP's eyes turn golden when receiving the information in a manner resembling the eye iconography seen throughout Vedika's ensemble.
- Vedika means "Consciousness" in Indian/Sanskrit.
- Vedika's favorite animals are crows, and her favorite ice cream flavor is praline.